Thursday, March 25, 2010

Have you seen me?

Portrait of Anthony Haden-Guest (c) Colette

The opening was packed and glittering, as it should have been for the artist who admonishes us to "Fight Terror With Glamour," Colette. A mainstay of the downtown vanguard of decades past whose work and style have continued to evolve and captivate New Yorkers and others, she dazzled us with a Valentine month exhibition at Destination NY that offered a pink oasis amidst the trendy grit of the Meat Packing district.

Colette -  Installation view at Destination NY

But now this crusader in heels has a new enemy - art thieves. What should have been a celebration of the successful unveiling of her engaging and thought-provoking new series, "Metaphysical Portraits," has been marred by the disappearance  of six of these paintings of friends and the famous, in transit from the gallery to the studio.

Portrait of Rufus Wainwright (c) Colette

Last seen on March 10th on Little West 12th Street, the missing portraits - two are shown above - are 20 x 24 inches on sewn canvas - but in spite of the fact that they should be easy to identify both the NYPD and an art recovery agency have had no success. Since it is possible that they were picked up by mistake, Colette has offered a reward for their safe return. But as to theft, when the perp is tracked down, we should all put on our white satin gloves and "Throw the book at 'em!"